Workshop on Mathematical Machine Learning and Application


The Workshop will take place via live ZOOM meeting during December 14-16, 2020.


The Workshop on Mathematical Machine Learning and Application will take place via live ZOOM meeting during December 14-16, 2020.


Today, machine learning is a hot topic with important practical applications. Notable successes are the classification problems for identifying pictures and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Go-player, AlphaGo Zero, which beat the best human player in the world. While these successes indicate that we are making progress toward applying AI to various important tasks, there are many emerging scientific questions. For instance, how can we understand these empirical successes in a mathematically rigorous way, using approximation theory and probability theory? Can we develop a theory which can guarantee the success of machine learning models in certain situations? How can we apply ideas from machine learning to existing problems in numerical analysis, such as Bayesian inference, operator estimation, solving PDE’s, density estimation, sampling methodology, and uncertainty quantification. Can machine learning be applied to the mathematical modeling of dynamical systems that historically relies on first principle calculations?

This workshop aims to bring together leading experts across scientific disciplines to discuss recent efforts in addressing these questions. Our hope is that the activity will inspire and attract participants to work on related mathematical problems in this emerging field and hopefully contribute to the development of the modern data-driven scientific computational methods to address these questions. In addition to the live ZOOM invited talks, we encourage the registered participants to present relevant work via ZOOM poster sessions (see the poster contribution below for registration and the detailed format of the poster session).

Confirmed Speakers


Brief workshop program with slides and video recording is available here and the workshop program with abstracts is available here.


The registration link is available here. Participants who register after December 7 may not receive all relevant workshop information through emails. Workshop zoom address will be emailed again to all registered participants before the workshop starts. Poster presentation proposal for those who registered after Dec 11 will not be accepted.

The current number of registered participants is here.

Poster Contribution

The poster session information is available here. Poster presentation proposal for those who registered after Dec 11 will not be accepted.


We are thankful for the initial supports from the Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Science through a seed grant and the NSF through the DMS-2020623 award, which would have supported the initially planned in-person meeting.

We also thank the Penn State IT for providing TA personnels to ensure smooth webinar sessions.

Local Organizing Committee

For more information related to this workshop, please contact us via

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